Portrait Session


This session is perfect for almost any size family and allows me to capture your most real moments. The typical length of these sessions is 1.5 to 2 hours and take place in your home and/or in a location of mutually decided on. I'm up for just about any ideas that you and your family come up with! The more that you let your kids in on the decision making the more into it they'll be ;) These sessions also include newborn sessions with the only difference being that we stick to one location. I don't rush any of my sessions, but am extremely patient with the newborn ones. We are on baby's schedule and if you're already a parent then you know that pretty much anything can happen with a baby that you didn't plan on happening ;)


 Mini Session


Mini sessions are mainly available for weekday bookings. These sessions last about 20 to 30 minutes and are perfect for family's with toddlers, individuals and/or businesses that need some updated headshots, maternity portraits, birthday portraits, or just a quick little family session. 


***All sessions come with a password protected online viewing gallery and the personal print rights to all final images in gallery which are immediately downloadable once your gallery goes "live". We take time as a team to plan your session so that it is what you envisioned.***


All weddings get a custom package quote

Photography 101 For Moms is now available locally as well as in select areas!!!!!

I am always interested in collaborating with local shops, bloggers, stylists, designers, small businesses, and artists!

Get in touch and lets chat!